Breathing Assessments
What's included?
- Discover the link between your symptoms and your breathing.
- Learn about functional and dysfunctional breathing and how yours compares.
- See your breathing pattern and rate on-screen using capnography.
- Learn how your breathing is impacting your physiology using capnography and oximetry.
- See on-screen how stress impacts your breathing.
- Uncover any misconceptions you have about breathing.
- Receive a 10 page Breathing Basics Guideline.
- Price: $160 for 60 minutes, $220 for 90 minutes
- Time: A standard assessment is 90 minutes. 60 minutes is available on request.
“I only had a breathing assessment with Nicky and just from that I gained a lot of insight as to how I could improve my breathing and my health. One simple change has made a world of difference to my exercise induced asthma to the extent that I don’t get it any more."
Felicity Yates, 54, Nelson
Change the way you feel
Breathing is an automatic function however unlike other automatic functions in the body, we can override it and cause it to malfunction. Dysfunctional breathing or breathing that is physiologically abnormal has a dramatic effect on the way your body functions. A breathing assessment can identify breathing dysfunction and through a breathing retraining course you can learn what to do about it and how to change the way you breathe. This changes the way you feel, both physically and emotionally.
Tens of thousands of people around the world have used this science-based, straight-forward, practical approach to get fast, significant and sustained relief from breathing-related conditions such as snoring, sleep apnoea, insomnia, anxiety, panic attacks, asthma, hay fever, allergies, sinusitis, blocked nose, recurrent respiratory infections, chronic cough, headaches, migraine, epilepsy and impaired singing, speaking or sports performance.
Try our Control Pause test to find out if your breathing could be affecting your health.
When to book in for a breathing assessment
Breathing dysfunction may present as a collection of bizarre and often apparently unrelated symptoms which may affect any part of the body, and any organ or any system. If you have some of the following signs or symptoms then book in for a breathing assessment to learn how your breathing may be triggering, exacerbating or perpetuating them and what you can do about it.
- Respiratory and Sleep Related
- Fast/erratic/heavy breathing at rest
- Short of breath at rest
- Excessive mucus/congestion
- Runny nose
- Post nasal drip
- Chest tightness
- Wheezing
- Coughing (without infection)
- Nasal/sinus congestion
- Loss of sense of smell
- Hay fever, sneezing
- Yawning or sighing
- Dry mouth
- Bad breath
- Frequent deep breaths
- Frequent need to clear throat
- Mouth-breathing
- Nasal polyps
- Enlarged/inflamed adenoids
- Swollen tonsils
- Prone to colds
- Audible breathing during sleep
- Snoring
- Breathing stoppages in sleep
- Grinding teeth
- Insomnia
- Frightening/intense dreams
- Restless legs
- Bedwetting
- Waking up tired
- Headaches
- Migraines
- Sleepiness during the day
- Musculoskeletal
- Muscle tension, spasms or cramping
- Muscle tremors, twitching or tics
- Muscle pain, weakness
- Circulatory/Cardiovascular
- Irregular, pounding or racing heart
- Chest pains that are not heart related
- Flushing
- Cold hands or feet
- Nervous System/Psychological
- Anxiety, tension, apprehension
- Feeling revved up, jumpy, irritable
- Feeling down
- Panic attacks
- Disturbance of consciousness
- Poor concentration/memory, confusion
- Fear without reason
- Feelings of unreality "losing the mind"
- Generalised weakness "weak at the knees"
- Feeling light-headed, dizzy, unsteady or faint
- Numbness/tingling of hands, feet, limbs, face
- Digestion
- Abdominal bloating
- Belching, flatulence
- Heartburn, reflux
- Difficulty swallowing
- Irritable bowel
- General
- Easily tired
- Exercise intolerant
- Weight gain/loss
- Excessive sweating or clamminess
- Allergies
- Chemical sensitivities
- Dry, itchy or inflamed skin
- Red or itchy eyes
- Dry lips
- Increased thirst
- Ringing, buzzing or hissing ears
- Other
- Diminished ability to speak or sing
- Reduced sporting performance

Free guide reveals 10 common breathing myths that could be affecting you
In this guide we address some key myths and misunderstandings around breathing.